Mine Water and Selenium Management Plan

Mine Water and Selenium Management Plan

Mine Water and Selenium Management Plan CROWSNEST PASS REGION, ALBERTA PROJECT SUMMARY  Matrix was engaged to design a water and selenium management program as part of a Feasibility Study and to complete baseline environmental monitoring and assessments to support the...
Discovering a Reliable Groundwater Source

Discovering a Reliable Groundwater Source

Discovering a Reliable Groundwater Source MONTNEY AND DUVERNAY PLAYS, ALBERTA PROJECT SUMMARY Our client was in the planning stages of an unconventional oil and gas project and recognized that they needed a reliable water source for their project. OUR ROLE Matrix was...
Water Supply for Hydraulic Fracturing

Water Supply for Hydraulic Fracturing

Water Supply for Hydraulic Fracturing NORTHWEST ALBERTA PROJECT SUMMARY A mid-sized unconventional operator needed to withdraw water to support their hydraulic fracturing drilling program in northwest Alberta. The client hired Matrix to secure the necessary approvals...