Insights & Solutions Webinar Series

Matrix experts share their insights on emerging challenges and offer pragmatic solutions that draw on decades of environmental consulting and engineering experience. Have a topic you’d like to see covered? Let us know! Email:

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Electrifying Canada: Perspectives on Renewable Energy Expansion Across the Country

Our panel examines existing and proposed renewable energy procurement programs in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Ontario and describe factors such as resource potential, development timelines, and material constraints – touching on the similarities and differences to be aware of when planning a renewable project in each of these different regions.

Emergency Response & Preparedness: Getting It Right When the Stakes Are High

Our panel of emergency response professionals from across Montrose Environmental Group share learnings from their decades of incident response experience – including high-profile pipeline releases and train derailments. Learn what goes into an effective environmental response, risks that are often overlooked, and strategies for emergency preparedness.

Preparing for Canada’s Oil & Gas Methane Emissions Targets

 Elizabeth McGurkJoshua Anhalt and Michael D’Antoni from Montrose Environmental Group joined Matrix’s Brian Fuchs for an insightful panel discussion on preparing for Canada’s Oil & Gas methane emissions targets. Each presenter brought valuable perspectives to the recent regulatory announcements in Canada and the U.S., including how industry is reacting and the vital areas for operators to get right when planning methane reduction strategies.

Innovative Approaches to Contaminated Site Management

A very engaging and educational webinar featuring Daniel Pollard and Phil Richards from Matrix Solutions Inc. and Paul Newman from ECT2 – also part of Montrose Environmental Group. Scott Purves hosted the discussion on innovative approaches and developments for contaminated site management.

Ontario Legacy Gas Wells – The Need to Find Them Before We Can Fix Them

Matrix’s Stew Hamilton and Terence Trefiak from Montrose Environmental Group look at the current state of environmental impacts from legacy petroleum wells in Ontario – including sites dating back to the 19th Century. They also cover new technologies that can be used to identify these sites and prioritize remedial action based on the risks they pose to the environment and human health.

BC’s Rapidly Changing Regulatory Environment: Summarizing 6 months of Regulatory Changes

The first 6 months of 2023 brought about several regulatory changes within the realm of contaminated sites and energy sector activities in British Columbia. This webinar focussed on summarizing the changes and providing additional information to help navigate them.

Staying On Track With Environmental Obligations for Large Public Transportation Projects

Responsibly managing environmental obligations and permits is critical to the overall success of large public transportation projects. Join us for a panel discussion featuring a group of experienced environmental professionals currently involved in several of Canada’s largest transit projects who will share insights on environmental risks that can setback a project, along with strategies to manage them effectively.

Migratory Birds And Your Project: Understanding Regulatory Complexities And Mitigation Options

The webinar was presented by Noemie Jenni and focused on understanding provincial and federal regulations pertaining to birds and insights into mitigation approaches that can be implemented at different intensities and scales.

Shedding Light On Environmental Due Diligence

Matrix presenters get into the holiday spirit while shedding light on the approaches and methods Matrix uses to evaluate liabilities associated with environmental contamination.

Defogging The Climate Lens: Casting Some Light On The Pathway Forward

This presentation provides key considerations for future-proofing new and existing infrastructure with a focus on the effects of climate change, climate change resiliency and GHG minimization.

Innovations In Impacted Sites

Matrix presenters share some evolving research, innovations, and technology used to manage liabilities on impacted sites. These innovations are driving more effective remediation outcomes, sustainability, and industry best practices.

Technology & Innovation In Environmental Monitoring

Matrix’s presenters share insights on technological trends and highlight four case studies that demonstrate innovative approaches our teams have applied for environmental monitoring programs. These advancements are re-defining what is possible, helping to address long standing challenges and enabling a whole new level of responsiveness.

Decarbonization Roundtable: Mailbag Edition

Matrix’s panel of subject matter experts answer questions on some of the common decarbonization questions we hear, such as: why are there so many different “colours” of hydrogen? Or: do solar panels really work during Canadian winters? Topics include renewable power, carbon sequestration, critical metals, zero-carbon fuels, and the circular economy.

Advantages Of Integrated Surface Water-groundwater Modelling For Low Impact Development

Matrix’s Daron Abbey, Chris Gabriel and Sam Bellamy share experiences and case studies illustrating how integrated modelling can be used to plan and evaluate Low Impact Development designs that effectively manage stormwater run-off and maintain ecological function.

Business Continuity Management, Emergency Management And Climate Change: Planning For The Unexpected

Matrix’s Practice Lead for Climate Risk and Resilience, Quentin Chiotti, Ph.D. discusses the challenges, benefits and key considerations for incorporating climate risk assessment into effective business continuity and emergency management planning.

Sequestration… Not Just Sweeping Carbon Under The Rug

This webinar focuses on the planning, design, and operational considerations for carbon sequestration projects in Canada. Topics covered include the political and economic landscape, steps and timelines to develop required surface infrastructure, and subsurface considerations for design and operation of a carbon sequestration facility.

Seeing The Project For The Panels: Understanding And Mapping Constraints For Power Projects

This webinar draws on Matrix’s considerable experience with permitting a wide variety of power projects, looking at inputs that impact site selection, project design, and even construction. We offer insights into some of the GIS-based tools that can be used to support this process and provide approaches that support timely regulatory approval and project construction.

Digging Deeper To Simplify The Excess Soil Regulation: O. Reg 406/19

This presentation digs into Ontario’s On-Site and Excess Soil Management regulation (O. Reg. 406/19) to simplify the purpose, requirements, and planning required to comply with the changes. Our presenters also demonstrate how Matrix’s 3D Rapid Volume Estimation (RaVE) tool can save time and money when it comes to streamlining the volume estimation process.

Forest For The Trees – Data Management Solutions For Large Linear Projects

This webinar explores the unique data management challenges that accompany large linear development projects, such as pipelines, transmission lines, railways, and roads. It reviews some of the practical solutions Matrix has implemented in the past to help our clients mitigate these challenges and maintain confidence in data quality throughout the lifecycle of the project.

Firm Or Flexible? Balancing Engineering, Geomorphology, And Ecology In Natural Channel Design

The objectives for natural channel design projects range from infrastructure protection and flood mitigation to habitat restoration and offsetting – requiring a continuum of “firm” and “flexible” design approaches. Case studies in this webinar demonstrate how our multi-disciplinary teams develop solutions that balance engineering, geomorphological, and ecological objectives.

Case Study: Applying Canada’s Climate Lens For A Major Transportation Corridor

Our David Van Vliet was joined by and Tara Erwin from HDR to present a case study that illustrated the application of Canada’s Climate Lens framework to assess greenhouse gas mitigation and climate change resilience for a planned transportation corridor in Mississauga, Ontario.

Wetlands – Don’t Get Bogged Down In A Regulatory Quagmire

Wetland ecosystems are protected under federal, provincial, and municipal acts and policies, so a clear view of wetland features and regulations helps inform confident project planning and avoid regulatory surprises. The webinar features case studies that provide insight into how to identify and manage the risks associated with wetlands through all project phases.

Got Caribou? Got Problems? An Update On Developing Regulated Project-specific Solutions

Matrix Principal Wildlife Biologist Delanie Player shares the latest regulatory expectations, case studies, and science on caribou habitat conservation in Canada – a complex challenge with no one-size-fits-all solution.

Pfas Leachability And Landfills — What We Have Learned And Why Is It Important?

Matrix was joined by AGAT Labs to present results of two studies aimed at better understanding the potential for PFAS leachability at landfill sites. The presentation examines how screening assessments, waste characterization, and confirmatory sampling can inform strategies to better understand and mitigate these risks.

The Matrix Approach To Rapid Closure For Inactive Oil & Gas Sites

This webinar examines the industry challenges that in our experience cause significant delays in achieving site closure on inactive oil and gas sites. A series of case studies demonstrates how Matrix’s approach—which brings together people, process, and technology—has considerably condensed closure timelines for our clients.

Assessing Risks To Canadian Infrastructure Using The Climate Lens And Hydrologic Modelling

In this webinar Matrix’s David Van Vliet presented a case study where Matrix applied computer modelling to assess climate change risks to green infrastructure for a Canadian municipality. We were also joined by Joel Nodelman of Nodelcorp, who provided an overview of the Canadian Government’s requirements for climate change risk assessments.

A New Dimension To Urban Flood Risk Mapping And Mitigation

When it comes to protecting people, infrastructure, and operations, flood risk mapping is the foundation of effective decision making. This webinar sets the context for current flood risk issues in urban areas, and highlights case studies that show how good mapping of risks can identify how to respond – including where not to build and how to mitigate through design.

Risk-based Contaminated Site Remediation And Liability Reduction

Oil and gas producers have identified reduction of environmental liability as a high priority, and risk-based approaches to contaminated site management and remediation can result in substantial cost savings versus remediating to generic criteria. A series of case studies are presented illustrating different risk-based approaches to remediation at upstream oil and gas sites.

Innovation In Environmental Data Management & Visualization

In this webinar we look at examples of how effective end-to-end data management and rich, interactive data visualization can empower you to make smarter decisions, save time and reduce costs. We also look at engaging ways to visualize your data including dashboards, web maps, 3D models and more.

Enhancing The Incident Command System

This webinar provides suggestions for enhancing the Incident Command System (ICS) structure based on learnings from successful Matrix spill response programs. The presentation also summarizes key tools and strategies for optimizing environmental response processes.

Changes In Federal Environmental Legislation

This presentation dives into Bill C-69 and how to design your project around the associated regulatory process and anticipated timelines to get the clarity you need to confidently proceed with development planning and investment.

Learn about some of the interesting projects Matrix’s team of environmental consultants and engineers get to be a part of.

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