Mine Water and Selenium Management Plan

Mine Water and Selenium Management Plan

Mine Water and Selenium Management Plan CROWSNEST PASS REGION, ALBERTA PROJECT SUMMARY  Matrix was engaged to design a water and selenium management program as part of a Feasibility Study and to complete baseline environmental monitoring and assessments to support the...
Lithium Brine Deposit Resource and Reserve Estimate

Lithium Brine Deposit Resource and Reserve Estimate

Lithium Brine Deposit Resource and Reserve Estimate SALAR LITHIUM BRINE PLAY – ARGENTINA, S. AMERICA PROJECT SUMMARY Our client was in the resource delineation and quantification stage of planning a lithium brine project in South America. As part of this exploration,...
Numerical Modelling for Mine Dewatering

Numerical Modelling for Mine Dewatering

Numerical Modelling for Mine Dewatering ALBERTA PROJECT SUMMARY Our client needed to plan future mine operations to minimize the risk that groundwater inflow would impair mining activities and resource recovery. OUR ROLE Matrix was hired to develop a numerical model...