Environmental services for Keyera KAPS project

Environmental services for Keyera KAPS project

Environmental services for Keyera KAPS project CENTRAL ALBERTA PROJECT DESCRIPTION Source Keyera.com: “KAPS, a natural gas liquids (NGL) and condensate system, is a highly desired industry pipeline solution designed to integrate services, generate more volumes and...
West Eau Claire Park Public Realm Plan

West Eau Claire Park Public Realm Plan

West Eau Claire Park Public Realm Plan CALGARY, ALBERTA PROJECT SUMMARY West Eau Claire Park is a popular area along the Bow River, just north and west of downtown and near the iconic Peace Bridge. The City of Calgary wished to connect the community with the Bow River...
Spill Response and Remediation Program Management

Spill Response and Remediation Program Management

Spill Response and Remediation Program Management PEACE REGION AND CENTRAL ALBERTA PROJECT SUMMARY Murphy Oil Corporation discovered a condensate release from one of its pipelines at three separate surface locations in April 2015. Our client needed to delineate and...
City of Calgary 12 St. S.E. Bridge Replacement

City of Calgary 12 St. S.E. Bridge Replacement

City of Calgary 12 St. S.E. Bridge Replacement CALGARY, ALBERTA PROJECT SUMMARY The City of Calgary recently embarked on a project to replace the 109-year-old 12 Street S.E. Bridge over the Bow River, the main access point between the Calgary Zoo and locations to the...
AltaLink Oldman River Bank Protection

AltaLink Oldman River Bank Protection

AltaLink Oldman River Bank Protection LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA PROJECT SUMMARY The foundations of four AltaLink transmission structures were threatened due to significant bank erosion along a 900m reach of the Oldman River, Alberta. Further bank erosion could impact the...