Water Resources Engineering and Environmental Design
Frenchman River Reconnection Project for Trout Unlimited Canada

Frenchman River Reconnection Project for Trout Unlimited Canada

As part of their Reconnecting Canada initiative, Trout Unlimited Canada (TUC) identified an opportunity to address an obstruction to fish passage in the Cypress Hills Uplands region of Southwestern Saskatchewan. The Frenchman river reconnection project aimed to solve the issue of lost connectivity that had been created by scour at the outlets of several hanging culverts within two tributaries of the Frenchman River: Caton Creek and Davis Creek. The purpose of the project was to increase available habitat for threatened Plains Sucker (formerly known as Mountain Sucker) populations, improving their ability to adapt to the growing pressures of climate change and habitat loss. Changes to water flow and fish passage are described as threats to Plains Sucker populations as is genetic fragmentation created by improperly designed or failed infrastructure. These fish play an important role in the ecosystems that they inhabit.

Drumquin Park Weir Removal and Channel Enhancements

Drumquin Park Weir Removal and Channel Enhancements

In collaboration with Enbridge and the Town of Milton, Conservation Halton undertook a priority environmental project to decommission the existing Drumquin Park weir on East Sixteen Mile Creek and restore the natural channel function and habitat. Sixteen Mile Creek provides aquatic habitat to many species including the Silver Shiner, a species classified as at risk in Canada and threatened provincially. Removal of the Drumquin weir provides the opportunity to restore connectivity to downstream occupied Silver Shiner habitat and rehabilitate degraded Silver Shiner habitat – actions that address the various recovery objectives for this threatened species.

Gas-Fired Power Plant Approval

Gas-Fired Power Plant Approval

Signalta Resources required approvals from both Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) and the Alberta Utilities Commission in order to construct a new natural gas-fired power co-generation facility providing electricity, heat and carbon dioxide (CO2) to a neighbouring greenhouse east of Coaldale, Alberta.

City of Calgary 12 St. S.E. Bridge Replacement

City of Calgary 12 St. S.E. Bridge Replacement

The City of Calgary recently embarked on a project to replace the 109-year-old 12 Street S.E. Bridge over the Bow River, the main access point between the Calgary Zoo and locations to the south. The bridge was in poor condition and deteriorating beyond a safe, useable condition.

AltaLink Oldman River Bank Protection

AltaLink Oldman River Bank Protection

The foundations of four AltaLink transmission structures were threatened due to significant bank erosion along a 900m reach of the Oldman River, Alberta. Further bank erosion could impact the reliability of the line or require the relocation of the structures to another location.

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We routinely lead characterization of stream morphology to:

  • Assess fluvial erosion hazards
  • Develop alternatives for erosion control in environmental assessments
  • Develop management strategies as part of land use planning (subwatershed, secondary, tertiary plans and site plans)
  • Assist in culvert/bridge design
  • Define erosion thresholds to inform stormwater management

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