Signalta Resources required approvals from both Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) and the Alberta Utilities Commission in order to construct a new natural gas-fired power co-generation facility providing electricity, heat and carbon dioxide (CO2) to a neighbouring greenhouse east of Coaldale, Alberta.
Matrix completed an environmental evaluation and air dispersion modeling assessment to determine the project’s potential impact on soil, vegetation, surface water, wildlife and air quality. Matrix also designed a surface water management plan for an area with historical surface water management issues and negotiated the plan with three separate regulatory bodies (Alberta Environment and Parks, Alberta Transportation, County of Lethbridge).
The facility design underwent numerous modifications, which required regular communications between Matrix and Signalta to ensure the air dispersion modelling reflected the most recent design. Matrix also supported Signalta in responding to supplementary information requests and negotiating emission limits with AEP for the new facility in an airshed that had historical exceedances of air quality limits. Overly stringent emission limits would have significantly increased the Project’s capital and operational costs.
Signalta successfully obtained an Alberta Utilities Commission permit and license to build and operate this gas fired co-generation plant. Matrix streamlined Signalta’s AEP approval by justifying that the groundwater monitoring, excessive stack testing and various other costly requirements proposed were not appropriate for this co-generation facility. Signalta also received the emission limits they requested.
Matrix also developed and secured approval for a surface water management plan for the entire site, including the co-generation and greenhouse facilities.
Signalta Resources Limited
- Oil and gas
- Power and electrical utilities
- Agriculture

We routinely lead characterization of stream morphology to:
- Assess fluvial erosion hazards
- Develop alternatives for erosion control in environmental assessments
- Develop management strategies as part of land use planning (subwatershed, secondary, tertiary plans and site plans)
- Assist in culvert/bridge design
- Define erosion thresholds to inform stormwater management