Highlights from Revised AUC Rule 007


The Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) has released the revised Rule 007: Applications for Power Plants, Substations, Transmission Lines, Industrial System Designations and Hydro Developments. The AUC initiated the stakeholder consultation process for the proposed AUC Rule 007 amendments in June 2019.

AUC Rule 007 sets out application requirements for the construction, alteration, operation, and the discontinuation, dismantling and removal of power plants, substations, transmission lines, hydro developments and industrial system designations.

The revised AUC Rule 007 impacts all power development proponents. It now includes advancements in renewable technologies and a needs identification document. Revised Rule 007 requirements come into effect September 1, 2021.


Using a more targeted and prescriptive approach, AUC Rule 007 should streamline the application process. We anticipate reduced renewable project review timelines, streamlined wetland replacement protocols, and reduced Water Act application backlog.

Review the revised AUC Rule 007 and related documents here and please contact us for application support.

More information

Delanie Player, Principal Wildlife Biologist, Power Market Sector Lead

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